
Hey there,

If you want to know more about me beyond my professional life, here are 15 random facts:


  1. I only like compliments from people I trust.
  2.  I always burn nuts when I’m trying to lightly toast them.
  3. I once worked for a man (named Mr. Schneer) who was in charge of the company website and didn’t know how to use the internet (he asked me which was the “dot” key in typing “dotcom”).
  4. I try to be even-tempered, but I get alarmingly passionate when talking about self-reliance, web standards, and the treatment of chickens.
  5. I once had a job translating group therapy sessions for convicted sex offenders.
  6. Efficiency makes me happy.
  7. I’m an Enneagram Type 5. For the most part, feeling incompetent makes me try harder and do better. Feeling overqualified makes me very uncomfortable and anxious.
  8. I once worked in an office where all my coworkers thought my given name was Xzonnia.
  9. I have an impressive success record of helping people write the letters that get them into the schools and jobs of their choice.
  10. I had a Beetle that broke down so often I used up all my AAA tows and had to get an auto plan on my cell phone to cover the rest.
  11. I once had to remove more than 100 flyers from faculty on-campus cubbies because the office manager didn’t like the shade of blue paper they were printed on.
  12. I am really good with computer software and terrible with hardware.
  13. At various times in my life, “home” has been: Orange County CA, Utah, Belize, Honduras, Concord CA, New York City, San Diego CA, and Seattle WA.
  14. In response to receiving a change-your-life-good massage and to balance out being a knowledge worker, I became a licensed massage therapist and had my own practice for a few years.
  15. I regularly celebrate the birthdays and important anniversaries of John, Paul, George, and Ringo.

I currently live in Seattle with my husband, who also works in PPC marketing. My “passion project” at the moment is getting a new podcast off the ground.